How does eSIM work in Vietnam? Our essential guide

If you’ve at any point thought about what an eSIM is or the way that eSIM works, you’ve come to the ideal Place.

Basically, everyone and their canine are familiar with your principal SIM card these days – nonetheless, by and by eSIMs are on the scene with eSIM providers jumping up everywhere. In any case, what is eSIM? How does eSIM work? Might I anytime get compensation all the more just as expenses emerge eSIM for my phone? What’s for dinner?

All in all, how does eSIM work in Vietnam?

Essentially, an eSIM works by allowing you to interface with a second (or third, or fourth) versatile organization without trading actual SIM cards – one telephone, different organization choices. You should simply visit our site and pick an eSIM Bundle that is reasonable for your outing to Vietnam.

What is an eSIM?

An eSIM (or implanted SIM) is a chip in your telephone that can carry on like an actual SIM card. As opposed to embedding another SIM card to join another versatile organization, you can rather download an eSIM profile. Don’t bother genuinely trading cards – it’s completely done electronically.

In some cases, eSIMs are called by their specialized name: implanted general coordinated circuit card, or eUICC. Yet, it’s exactly the same thing – a chip that gives admittance to a versatile organization.

Vietnam eSIM for Tourist & Travel

How accomplishes eSIM work – the nuts and bolts

An eSIM works precisely like a customary SIM card – just it’s implanted into your telephone and can’t be eliminated. So on the off chance that you need an iPhone 14 Series eSIM plan for instance, you don’t have to genuinely trade out SIM cards to change to another organization while voyaging abroad, you rather download an eSIM profile, either by means of an application or by filtering a QR code.

Then you essentially pick your paid ahead-of-time eSIM plan, and off you go – you’ve presently got a pay-more-only as-costs arise eSIM to keep away from those large meandering information charges when you are off on your hols or voyaging universally for business.

Since there’s compelling reason need to go to a shop to get another SIM card or hang tight for one to be sent through the post, you can join another organization in practically no time, any place you are.

How accomplishes eSIM work – for going in Vietnam

Having the option to change to an alternate organization immediately can be unimaginably valuable while voyaging. You could find that your nation of origin’s organization charges extravagant information meandering expenses assuming you utilize your telephone abroad – yet you can keep away from those expenses by changing to an eSIM profile with a paid ahead-of-time eSIM plan. Then, at that point, when you return home, you can just change back to your normal SIM.

Furthermore, there are different cases in which having an association with an alternate organization by means of an eSIM can be helpful, similar to when your telephone is in a space where your principal network doesn’t have inclusion. All things considered, you could trade to your eSIM profile to see whether that organization has a sign. One more benefit of having both a SIM and eSIM is that you could involve one for business and the other for individual calls, without trading telephones – rather than simply trading profiles. Sounds simple, isn’t that so? Indeed, it is!

eSIM arrangement – how it’s so natural

You can undoubtedly trade between the organization on your eSIM and the one on your actual SIM whenever by going into ‘Portable Information > Information Plans (Apple gadgets) or Associations > SIM Card Chief (Samsung gadgets)’ in your telephone’s settings and exchanging between the two. You can likewise store more than one eSIM profile, despite the fact that you can utilize each profile in turn.

As the Web of Things develops, eSIMs and eSIM suppliers in the UK are springing up increasingly more since additional items, similar to vehicles and traffic signals, or whatever could have to interface with a portable organization, are being fabricated with an eSIM worked in.

Since eSIMs can be refreshed electronically, it implies new profiles can be added without, for instance, genuinely trading large number of SIM cards in traffic signals all over the country. eSIMs are what’s to come!

How to get an eSIM – what telephones have one?

On the off chance that you have a new-ish telephone, you’ve likely got an eSIM as of now.

All apple’s most recent iPhones accompany an eSIM worked in, and numerous Android telephone makers are currently additionally adding eSIMs to their items. The greater part of the new Samsung Universe telephones have an eSIM, for instance, as do research’s Pixel cell phones. The new Motorola Razr was the main telephone to send without an actual SIM card by any means – it just has an eSIM.

You’ll likewise find eSIMs in the absolute most recent PCs and tablets like the Microsoft Surface Master X. What’s more, the quantity of gadgets that utilize eSIMs is expanding constantly.

Check for the full rundown of brilliant gadgets viable with eSIM usefulness.

Where could I at any point involve eSIM in Vietnam?

Throughout the course of recent years, an ever-increasing number of organizations in an ever-increasing number of nations across the world have started offering eSIM packs and eSIM bargains.

Vietnam eSIM offers eSIM bundles for in excess of 70 nations – simply look for your picked objective and get a paid ahead-of-time eSIM plan that suits where you’re making a trip to. So on the off chance that you’re searching for an information travel sim, you’re likely going to find one in a pay-more-only-as-costs arise eSIM plan.

How might I get an eSIM profile?

It’s simple as can accompany Vietnam eSIM:

1. Visit our site

2. Select your eSIM plan

Pick your eSIM Bundle on our site with the number of information designs for your outing and investigate the different packs we have accessible. Basically, select your paid ahead-of-time eSIM plan


Vientam eSIM is offering 3 eSIM plans for Vietnam, consisting of GIGA7, GIGA10, and GIGA15. Let’s take a look at a brief comparison of these eSIM plans from Vietnam eSIM:

Vietnam eSIMGiga 7Giga 10Giga 15
Data Plans7 GB10 GB15 GB
Duration8 days16 days30 days
Price$ 10$ 12$ 15
Network carrierVinaphoneVinaphoneVinaphone
Data sharingYesYesYes
Vietnamese phone numberYesYesYes
When to buyWithin 30 days before departure or while in Vietnam.Within 30 days before departure or while in Vietnam.Within 30 days before departure or while in Vietnam.
Features7 GB high-speed cellular data. – Vietnamese phone number to receive calls and messages. – Sharing data is available10 GB high-speed cellular data. – Vietnamese phone number to receive calls and messages. – Sharing data is available15 GB high-speed cellular data. – Vietnamese phone number to receive calls and messages. – Sharing data is available
Product LinkVietnam eSIM 7GB for 8 daysVietnam eSIM 10GB for 16 daysVietnam eSIM 15GB for 30 days



  • A wide variety of eSIM plans
  • Stable network connections for every location in Vietnam. With Vinaphone coverage, even when you relocate to rural places, there are no faults or signal loss.
  • Large data storage capacity, appropriate for both short and long journeys.
  • The best pricing on the market, ready to reimburse if an issue arises from the eSIM.
  • All transactions- including purchases, refunds, and cancellations- take place online, and eSIM orders receive immediate delivery along with thorough installation and activation instructions.
  • Vietnamese, English, and other languages are available around-the-clock to serve you and respond to your inquiries.


  • How to install eSIM is quite a lot of steps, if you find it difficult, you can call or visit HERE for detailed instructions.
  • You need to manually activate your eSIM by calling *101#.
  • You can check package capacity every day by text is TRACUU VD89P send to 900

Make installment

  • Make installment by means of PayPal (One of the most secure Installment Door)
  • Pass on your email to get QR Code and Directions for involving eSIM in Vietnam from our store

3. How to install esim in Vietnam

Every data eSIM will go through 2 steps to be ready in your device and data usage. 

In this section, we will guide you through:

  • How to activate eSIM on iPhone
  • How to activate eSIM on Samsung phone, and
  • How to activate eSIM on Google phone.

The wording may be slightly different depending on your device. So, in case you have difficulty installing your eSIM, please contact your eSIM provider.

3.1 How to activate eSIM on iPhone

 If you are using an iPhone, check the eSIM iPhone list to make sure you can use the eSIM on it, and follow the instructions below for its use. 

3.1.1. Installation

1. Turn on the Wi-Fi connection of your iPhone
2. On your device, go to Settings. If it isn’t available on your Home screen, swipe left to access the App Library, and search for it on the search bar.
3. Tap Cellular or Mobile (depending on your phone)
4. Tap Add Cellular Plan or Add Mobile Data Plan (depending on your phone)
5. Scan your printed QR code or the QR code you keep on another device. In case you cannot scan the QR code, you can select Enter Details Manually at the bottom of your iPhone screen, and enter the following information:

  • SM-DP+ Address which looks like RAP-0126.OBARTHOR.NET
  • Activation Code which looks like FA9F0-MWFO-M4HOC-BUBGX
  • Confirmation Code(optional)

6. Tab Add Cellular Plan or Add Mobile Data Plan to confirm the installation.
7. On the Cellular or Mobile data plan labels screen, choose the available label (such as Secondary, Business, Travel, etc.) or customize label for your eSIM (such as Vietnam eSIM), and then tap Continue
8. On the Default line page, select your Primary number if your data eSIM does not come with a phone number for calling or you do not intend to use this number to make calls or send SMS to people who are not in your contacts.

3.1.2 Steps to install your eSIM manually on iPhone

  • Step 1: On your iOS device, go to Settings > Cellular.
  • Step 2: Select Add Data/Cellular Plan.
  • Step 3: If you cannot scan the QR code sent by your eSIM provider due to a certain reason, you can still activate your eSIM manually by selecting Enter Details Manually.
  • Step 4: Enter the required information including
    • SM-DP+ Address
    • Activation Code
    • Confirmation Code (if required)
    • Then, select Next.
  • Step 5: On the screen named Cellular/Mobile Data Plan Labels, select the available label (like Secondary, Business, Travel,… ) or Label your eSIM profile as you want (i.e. Vietnam eSIM), and tap Continue.
  • Step 6: Set your eSIM profile as the Default Line (if your data eSIM comes with a phone number) or select your Primary number if your data eSIM does not come with a phone number), then choose Continue.
  • Step 7: Set your eSIM profile as the default Cellular Data > select Done. Switch off the Allow Cellular Data Switching to avoid roaming charges.
  • Step 8: Turn on Data Roaming to start using your eSIM.

3.2 How to Install eSIM on Samsung

Steps to take:

  1. Install your eSIM the day before you leave for travel and activate it during your flight or when you arrive at your destination.
  2. Select the type of device on which you are going to install an eSIM on (iPhone, Samsung, Google Pixel)
  3. Follow the QR code installation if you have the code on another device to scan
  4. Follow the Manual Installation if you are unable to scan the QR code.

There are 02 ways of installing an eSIM on Samsung: Installation with QR code and Manual Installation. See each one step-by-step below:

Need to know before installation and activation:

  • Ensure your device is eSIM-compatible and carrier-unlocked. Check out if your phone works with eSIM or not.
  • You must have the QR Code on another screen or device or printed paper to scan it with your phone camera.
  • Ensure that your internet connection remains stable throughout the entire process
  • The QR code or manual installation can only be done once.
  • DO NOT remove the eSIM from your device because it cannot be used again.

3.2.1 Installation eSIM on Samsung (Android)

  1. GO to Settings.
  2. TAP Connections.
  3. TAP SIM Manager.
  4. TAP Add eSIM.
  5. TAP Scan QR code from service
  6. TAP Scan QR code from service provider.

4. Off you go!

10 Places must visit in Vietnam

Presently you can appreciate keeping in contact while you’re abroad without those enormous information wandering charges.

Assuming that you want assistance with any of the above-mentioned, we’re here to help. Happy ventures!

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